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Foot Faults Happen.  You Get a Second Chance.

Not unlike the Atonement, some people take their first serve for granted.  Some people throw away their first serve by not concentrating; they're more focused on just hitting hard.


Every time we step up to the service line, we should do all we can to do our best.  And when that doesn't happen, take a few MPH off of the serve, but the motion should essentially be the same.


While second chances are offered both in life and in tennis, we should never pre-meditate missing our first serve.  I know it's "cool" or "feels good" to try to blast one in.  However, consistently keeping our eyes on the prize leads to feeling confident and higher serve percentages.  Likewise, great joy and relief awaits those who know they've done their very best, even when they miss a second serve.

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