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Grading, A.K.A. 

How To Pass SWELL Courses

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Go to SWELL's official website for details on how to pass the course.


All SWELL courses are PASS / FAIL.

To pass, students must meet the following 2 criteria:


  1. Have ≥ 80% attendance.

    • (I.e., you can't miss more than 5 hours during the term. If you are in a 2-hour class this means you may only be absent 2 1/2 classes before failing the course.)

    • Only the first two hours of the term may be made up.

    • Class begins and attendance is taken 5 minutes after class begins. Class ends at :45 after the hour.

    • If you are not dressed and ready to play with a racket by 5 minutes (but before 15 minutes) after the hour, you are tardy.

      • 3 tardies = 1 hour of absence.

    • If you arrive after 15 minutes, you are absent that hour.

      • 5 hours of absence = fail course.

    • That being said, if you are concerned about your attendance situation, I want you to communicate with me immediately. I will help put you in touch with resources that may be able to help you pass the class on an individual basis.

  2. Pass the written exam with ≥ a score of 75%.

    • The exam will be available in the testing center from day 1 of the term.

    • The absolute final day the test will be available in the testing center is the day just before the last day of classes. If the entire class has passed the test 2 weeks before the end of the term, we will have a party the last day of class.

    • Please note the following:

      • The exam will cover materials taken word-for-word from these Exam Notes.

      • Information on this website that is critical to the exam will be colored red, for your convenience.

      • I cannot give out test answers, but I will verbally review all test material throughout the course.

      • If a better exam grade is desired, it may be retaken any number of times. Retakes are available for a $5.00 fee.

      • A 24-hour period is required between taking the same test over again. E.g., If you fail a test on the last day it's available, obviously, you cannot take the test again. (This tragically happened to students who just think, "I'll take it later"!)

For additional class expectations, please see the SWELL Course Outline.

All images have the following license

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