The Tanner Overhead Attack & Defense (T.O.A.D) System
Preface: This analogy is going to be a bit weird, over-the-top, and über-patriotic, but just indulge me.
As soon as you see the ball go up over your head, you are no longer a tennis player—you transform into a surface-to-air missile (S.A.M.) site. Your purpose: to protect America (or your side of the net) from enemy "Bouncing-Betty" grenades (the ball).
Since you were probably made in the 00's or 90's you have some out-dated hardware (which still works just fine) but takes a few pre-requisite steps before firing:
POWER UP — Turn sideways to the net and shuffle step into position behind the ball. (Btw, your missiles can only shoot forward.)
LOCK & LOAD — Bring your racket up, comfortably above your head, with your elbow bent.
ENGAGE GUIDANCE SYSTEM — As you "Lock & Load," point at the ball with your free, open hand, lifting your head and chest, and turning your shoulder/body perpendicular to the approaching projectile in a relaxed, confident way. (Because you know what's about to happen—you're about to SMASH it!)
MAKE THE CALL — Your mission is not only to protect American soil (your side), but it is to send that thing back where it came from! It is imperative that the projectile ends up on the other side before it explodes. That might mean swinging softer last minute, to ensure accuracy from the back of the court. Or it might mean wailing on it up at the net. The call is yours to either "Wound" or Kill". If you think you'll have a better chance of clearing the net after a bounce, for heaven's sake, let it bounce once!
FIRE MISSILES — You've only got two missiles, so you've got to make them count. Coincidentally, the "bouncing-betty grenades" don't explode until a few moments after they bounce. Mentally, you'll want to make contact as high and as far out in front of you as possible! We don't want that thing anywhere close to our sacred ground when it blows.
COOL & CLOSE — After successfully send the grenade back where it came from, "cool down" by following your racket through away from your body, across and down. Then "roll" forward split stepping to close the distance between you and the net anticipating an easy volley from the enemy.
How to Hit A Solid Overhead
Continental grip
Focus on a spot on the ball, instead of thinking of all the things your body should be doing.
Make contact out in front of you and to the right (if you're a righty).
Move back fast as soon as your opponent tips his or her cards by showing you the back face of his or her racket.
Don't be afraid to move further back than you might need. It's easier to lean into the hit than to scramble backwards at the last second.
4.0 --> 4.5 Overhead Technique
Noobs panic. Eliminate panic.
Aim at a particular a target. Safest spot is the center of the service box. But try to go after your opponent's backhand.
The Overhead is not like the Serve; it's much more simple
Relax. Don't crush it. If you relax, you'll have more power than if you're tense. If you're tense you'll miss it.
Find the ball. Track it with an open hand.
Release you racket down (with wrist).
Relax and hit down.
Try to bounce it over the fence.
Note: This guy knows nothing about technique, but he's got the right feel.
Common Overhead Mistakes and Fixes
Body open, facing the net.
Big swooping swing.
Or racket off to the side.
Be positive. Fear is the mind killer.
Anticipate the stroke by watching your opponent's ques.
Raise racket without swinging.
Turn sideways.
"Snap" the ball down and angle it off the court.